The Municipal Secretary of Education of Rio de Janeiro (SME RJ) released a new notice public tender. According to the document, published this Monday, the 28th, there are 1,652 vacancies for assistant professor of Early Childhood Education.
The minimum schooling required to compete for one of the vacancies is high school with a course in the Normal modality or a degree in Pedagogy, with qualification for teaching in Early Childhood Education.
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Approved civil servants will have initial earnings of R$ 2,179.35, adding food allowance of R$ 264.00. Teachers will also be entitled to transport allowance of R$ 173.80 and culture bonus of R$ 168.42. Working hours will be 40 hours a week.
The total number of vacancies includes a reserve for people with disabilities, blacks and Indians. Opportunities were distributed among 11 Regional Education Coordinations (CREs), as shown below:
The application period for the SME RJ 2019 contest will start on the 4th of February. Those interested in applying for one of the vacancies will have until the 22nd of the same month to access the website http://www.rio.rj.gov.br/web/portaldeconcurso and request participation.
A value of R$ 80.00 will be charged as a participation fee. Payment can be made until February 25, 2019.
Members of low-income families and enrolled in the federal government's CadÚnico will be able to request exemption from the fee between February 4th and 7th. To do so, they must follow the procedures set out in the public notice.
Evidence and selection stages SME RJ 2019 contest
Participants in the event will be evaluated through two stages:
The knowledge tests will be applied on the probable date of March 17, 2019. The exam will last four hours.
The objective evaluation will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions, about the syllabus detailed below:
In the discursive test, the participants of the selection will have to answer, in up to 25 lines, a question taken from the content of Specific Knowledge of Early Childhood Education.
The essays of the 16,520 best classified in the previous stage will be corrected.
Approved in the objective and discursive tests will be sent for the analysis of titles.
The period of validity of the tender will be two years, counting from the date of publication of the homologation. of the final result of the contest, which may be extended for another two years, at the discretion of the Administration Higher.
Other regulations are available at SME RJ 2019 Contest Notice - Early Childhood Education.