Initially, the hours as we know them today, 1/24, were defined in Egypt, based on the numbering system duodecimal (numbering that uses the number 12 as its base), being also directly linked to the rising and setting of the Sun.
Over time, different hour counts have been used around the world. However, modern definitions make it official that one hour equals 60 minutes or 3,600 seconds.
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Concepts such as morning, afternoon and night, time to get to school, time to leave, time to have lunch are issues that are present in children's lives from a very early age. Therefore, it is also important from an early age that they learn about how time works.
Thus, activities with hours are essential when applying topics like these in practice. They will enable children to get to know the clock, identify the 24 hours of the day and how they apply to everyday life, the concept of full and half hour, among others.
Therefore, if you are an educator and you are looking for activities with hours and minutes to work on the topic in the classroom, you can count on our suggestions, available below.
Activities developed by the ESCOLA EDUCAÇÃO website.