O Ministry of Education (MEC) plans to make 200 special visits to higher education institutions to assess the quality of courses offered and by the institutions themselves, said today (18), in Brasília, the executive secretary of the MEC, Henrique Sartori. Visits must take place in 2019.
As he explained, inspections will take place due to complaints that the ministry received of irregularities in these places.
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“There are irregularities in the offer, even failure to observe legal criteria, complaints of lack of adequate teaching staff and curriculum proposal that has not been fulfilled”, he said.
The announcement was made at a press conference to announce the results of the Preliminary Concept of Courses (CPC) and the General Index of Courses Institutional Assessment (IGC), which measure, respectively, the quality of higher education courses and of the educational institutions that offer these courses.
The results showed that 278 institutions of higher education had ratings below the average of general performance of the institutions evaluated throughout the country and that one in every ten courses also obtained “remarks down”.
According to Sartori, courses and institutions that repeatedly get “low grades” are visited by the MEC and have to draw up a document with commitments to improve.
They have a deadline for these improvements to be made and measured. If they fail to offer the quality required by the MEC, ultimately, courses and institutions may be closed.
In 2018, according to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), 6,500 evaluations were carried out in the institutions. Sartori clarified that the 200 special visits will be made in addition to these formal visits.
The secretary and president of Inep, Maria Inês Fini, evaluated the results of the quality indicators presented today as positive.
“If we look at the data that are placed ahead, more than 86% of educational institutions [evaluated in 2017] are delivering what the MEC asks and a little more. That's positive. The criteria requested by the MEC are highly scrutinized. It's not just any project that passes”, said Sartori.
Both courses and institutions receive grades from 1 to 5. Grade 3 gathers most institutions and courses. Those who performed less than most receive a 1 or 2. Already those with superior performance to the majority get 4 or 5.
Last year, 13.5% of educational institutions had indexes 1 or 2. The others, which represent 86.5%, obtained an index of 3, 4 or 5.
Among the courses evaluated, 9.5% of the courses evaluated this year obtained grade 1 or 2. The remaining 90.6% obtained grades 3 or above 3. The information is from Agência Brasil.