The Jaguarundi is a medium-sized wild cat found in the Amazon Basin and has as a The predominant characteristic is the variation in the color of its fur, which makes it unique among all cats. wild. This animal lives in areas of the lowland brush and is a species of the popularly called 'new world felines'.
The candiru fish, also known as the vampire fish, is a species of catfish that is considered a freshwater parasite. Adults can grow up to 16 centimeters in length and can be found throughout the Amazon basin.
Candirus are known to parasitize the gills of larger fish and feed on the blood of their prey. There are even reports of Candirus entering the urethra of human males.
Glass frogs are members of the Centrolenidae family. Though usually green in color, what makes them so intriguing is that their internal organs are visible through the translucent skin on their lower body. They are small creatures that can measure up to 3 centimeters in length and have been known to eat their young.
The Jesus Christ lizard, or common basilisk, has the incredible ability to run on water, hence its nickname. When fleeing from predators, the lizard opens its fingers to reveal a special web and, with enough force, can cross up to 20 meters of water surface. They are found throughout the rainforests of Central America and Brazil, usually in low-lying locations.
It is a carcharhinidae often found in warm, shallow waters along coasts and rivers. The Bull Shark is known for its aggressive nature and presence in freshwater systems and can be found in the Amazon River, where it can reach as far as the Manaus region.
The Capybara is a large semi-aquatic rodent that inhabits the aquatic regions of Central and South America. Closely related to other rodents such as chinchillas and guinea pigs, the Capybara is the largest rodent in the world weighing up to 75 kilograms and measuring almost 1.4 meters in length.
Despite their enormous size, these mammals have adapted well to life in the water and have a number of distinguishing characteristics. that aid their amphibious lifestyle, including the webbed skin between the toes, which is particularly useful when swim.
Within the Amazon basin, the pirarucu is found in various types of habitat, such as the floodplain lakes of this region, the large tributaries of the Amazon River, including the Madeira River and the Machado River. Much of the water that makes up the arapaima's habitat is also oxygen deficient, as it is located in swampy areas of the rainforest.
Electric eels are found in Brazilian waters and are capable of generating an electric shock of 500 volts. The shock the electric eel produces is enough to kill any large mammal, including humans.
This animal can grow up to 2.5 meters and only need to come to the surface every 10 minutes, due to the complex circulatory system of eels. Electric eels tend to live in calm water beds, eating fish and small mammals.
The Pink Dolphin is a robust dolphin species with a very long and easily distinguishable snout. Adults are between 1.53 and 2.4 meters long, but this depends on the subspecies in question. The largest recorded individual was a female, weighing 98.5 kg.
Many different fish are called "piranha", but the number of species is a matter of debate. Most piranhas are no more than two feet long. For example, the red-bellied piranha grows to about 51 cm in length, while the black-bellied piranha grows to about 28 cm.
The bird-eating goliath spider feeds on birds, it is usually dark to light brown in color and, like other tarantulas, it is covered with a thick layer of hairs, very sensitive to movements and vibrations. It is considered one of the largest spiders in the world, in addition to being the heaviest.
The giant otter lives in freshwater rivers, lakes and streams. Occasionally they are seen in agricultural canals and small dam reservoirs, although they prefer gently sloping riverbanks and isolated areas with overhanging vegetation.