A long time ago, graduation ceased to be the last step in the academic training of a good professional. Constant improvement and postgraduate courses have become practically mandatory items in the curricula of candidates for vacancies in all areas. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the opportunities provided by educational institutions in face-to-face and distance learning courses.
A Federal University of Latin American Integration (Unila) and the unicentro communicate the opening of registration in 190 vacancies for free specializations! Both are headquartered in Paraná and provide, respectively, courses given in face-to-face and distance learning in different areas of knowledge. Enrollment closes in October at both universities.
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Unila offers 40 vacancies in the Contemporary International Relations course. The modules are ideal for graduates in Journalism, Economics, Sociology, Political Science, History, Law and International Relations. However, students trained in other countries who are interested in the subject are also very welcome. Of the total vacancies, 20 are for Brazilians and the rest for other countries in the Caribbean and Latin America.
The course has seven mandatory disciplines, optional subjects and the Course Completion work. The following are mandatory subjects:
Classes are scheduled to start in March 2019 and end in September 2020. The schedule is set out in the program notice. Candidates will be ranked through analysis of school records and curriculum, in addition to an interview. Applications must be made by October 10 through Unila's own system. The results of the selection will be announced on November 8th.
Also in Paraná, Unicentro has applications open for 150 vacancies in the specialization course for high school Mathematics teachers. The lato sensu course is taught in the distance modality, as the name implies, focused on graduates in Mathematics or related areas. Opportunities are distributed among the poles of Telêmaco Borba, Engenheiro Beltrão, Apucarana, Campo Largo and Cruzeiro do Oeste.
It is important to emphasize that some face-to-face meetings will be required for discussions and defense of the course completion work, the TCC. All will be scheduled in advance and will take place at the centers in which the student is enrolled. Entries must be made by October 18 at Unicentro website upon payment of a fee in the amount of R$ 70.00. The candidate must pay attention to the procedures described in notice.