A southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) is an animal that belongs to the group known as cetaceans, which includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. It is one of three species in the right whale family. The other two are the Atlantic North Right Whale and the Pacific North Right Whale.
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Also known as an austral, this whale can be found between the southern hemisphere and Antarctica. Currently, all three right whale species are considered endangered.
Generally these whales are found in high latitude areas, where cold water provides large amounts of nutrient-rich food.
As an adult, the right whale can be over 15 meters long and weigh up to 60 tons. Compared to other whale species, its head is quite large and encompasses approximately 25% of the entire body.
Its body is quite large and spherical, being widest around the central area. They swim with the aid of a pair of short, wide pectoral fins that help the whale move precisely.
Unlike other whale species, the Southern Right Whale does not have a dorsal fin. In terms of coloration, this animal has a dark grayish skin tone with white markings on the throat and belly.
The cetacean also has a series of calluses on various parts of its head and upper body. The mouths of these marine mammals do not have teeth, but are equipped with plates of fins that have bristles attached to them, allowing these whales to filter their prey from the water as they swim through the ocean.
When viewed from the side, the mouth is slightly arched and has an arc shape. The main diet of southern right whales consists of tiny crustaceans. They hunt their prey by swimming with their mouths open and trapping them in their mouth.
When the weather cools down and the mating season begins, they migrate towards the equator to mate and give birth.
When it comes to mating, these whales are polygamous animals and females can have up to 7 partners.
The average gestation period for southern right whales is around 12 months. Female whales produce a single calf every 3 or 4 years.
Babies are cared for for 6 months and the average life expectancy of these animals is 50 to 100 years.
These whales can be seen traveling in a variety of different locations such as Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa and Uruguay.
Southern right whales are a very active species, sociable with other whales and dolphins and are known for approaching boats and boats to observe objects and people nearby. there.
When interacting with humans or other animals, these marine mammals appear to be careful and aware of their large size as it limits their behavior.
This animal is known to face a number of threats. They can be affected by passing ships or large vessels, chemical pollution, water construction, mining, poaching and oil spills.