Japanese food has become very popular around the world and has gained many fans here in Brazil. However, the cost of accessing this preparation is high, making many people turn to more accessible alternatives, such as homemade sushi. Therefore, we will teach you how to prepare this delicious dish at home!
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Making sushi at home can seem like a laborious and messy process. However, the reality is that, by choosing the right recipe, you don't have to invent a lot and the preparation can be done without much mess.
Thus, you will only need a few utensils and the correct ingredients to assemble the sushi. Check out the step by step below!
Necessary tools:
Sushi ingredients:
Rice Sauce:
First, cut the cucumbers and carrots into strips and soak them in a bowl with water and a little salt. Then cook the rice and add the two teaspoons of salt.
Then transfer the cooked rice to the large bowl and add all the sauce ingredients, except the wasabi, little by little. Then stir with a wooden spoon, but do not overmix and let the rice cool.
Now open the sushi mat, line it with plastic wrap and place the nori sheet with the curliest part facing upwards. Thus, moisten your hands with water so that the rice does not stick.
That done, stuff all the seaweed with a layer of one centimeter of rice and leave a space at one end to finish. If you want to add wasabi, this is the moment, just spread it very little in the center of the layer of rice.
Next, place a strip of salmon, a strip of cucumber, a strip of carrot and a lettuce leaf, and roll it up using the mat. Then dip the knife into the glass of cold water and cut the sushi into rolls.
Finally, place the pieces of sushi on a platter, decorate as you like and serve with a small dish of soy sauce.