Of all the modalities of Brazilian public education, technical-professional education is considered the most strong for 85% of Brazilian industrialists, as it allows young people to enter the labor market more quickly. work.
This is what points out a survey carried out by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), which heard more than a thousand businessmen from organizations of small, medium and large sizes, for whom this type of specialized education increases the chances of accessing job vacancies available in the economy.
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In the evaluation of the director of Sesi and Senai, Rafael Lucchesi, the country is experiencing the 'challenge' of reversing the low productivity of workers, by encouraging education aimed at professionalization.
“Low productivity gains layers of complexity if we add some factors that characterize our labor market: the demographic transition, with fewer young people composing the workforce, the high unemployment rates of this group, the low level of professional qualification and digitization, which demands new knowledge", explains Lucchesi
By highlighting the alternative role of this educational modality, the director of Sesi explains that “in addition to improving the employability of young people, taking them out of the of social exclusion and providing a source of income, professional education contributes to improving the productivity of the country, by qualifying the worker”.
A 'gateway' that makes the student more able to face the job market in the future. This is how Giovanna Tomazeto, 17 years old, classified the importance of technical education, who attends regular high school and a technical course in electrical and electronics at Senai in Jundiaí (SP).
“It sets me apart from any student my age. Technical education brings me teachings that I would not have been able to learn elsewhere and gives me a vision for the professional future, even before going to college”, explains Giovanna. With the expectation of completing the technical course by the end of the year, she understands that the experience is positive and recommended to other young people in her age group. “Now I feel prepared for any job”, she concludes.