Nowadays we see a very large amount of unemployed people looking for job opportunities. As a result, there is a lack of manpower due to the fact that there are companies and also industries that try to find qualified professionals but have difficulties, which happens mainly in the technical domain.
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Currently, just to get an idea, there are more than 14 million unemployed in Brazil. Even though some professions have many job opportunities, they lack specific training. However, we have no doubt that the Information Technology sector is among the most affected by the lack of well-qualified professionals.
It is not only in Brazil that this difficulty is found, since other places also go through it. Often, some countries in Europe and Canada, mainly, look for Brazilian professionals with specific qualifications who are interested in moving to other parts of the world or working in the modality home office.
This reality has led many companies to find it difficult to retain the best talent in Brazil. That's why the technology industry offers more and more job openings. The most popular jobs in the IT field are software programmers, infrastructure analysts and telecommunications engineers.
A survey by the National Industrial Learning Service (Senai) states that, in the next two years, the industry will need to employ more than 400,000 professionals. On the other hand, only 106,000 workers received the necessary qualification. Therefore, 74% of vacancies will not be filled.
In addition to technology, the business sector also finds it difficult to select good professionals. The change is due to new consumer profiles, as more information about products and services can now be found on the internet. This makes them increasingly demanding and, consequently, new strategies need to be considered to guarantee sales.
The market for digital marketing, healthcare and logistics professionals is also on the rise. Therefore, the advice of experts is to invest in good courses and improve your skills as soon as possible to experience new opportunities in the job market.