Many people believe that women cannot reconcile motherhood and professional life. But although both tasks demand a lot from any woman, the Law offers guarantees that aim to make this balance less complicated. Therefore, it is worth knowing the mothers' rights in the labor market and take advantage of them if possible.
Read more: Check out all the rights for night work at the INSS.
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We begin with this right, which is basic but extremely important. After all, the moment of giving birth needs due protection, which the Law guarantees through maternity leave. In this case, there are 120 days off work with all labor rights guaranteed, including salary. In addition, the license can be extended up to 180 days, in cases of birth or abortion of babies with neurological problems. Remembering that the mother must resort to the right until the 28th day before childbirth.
Taking care of a child should not only be during the two months around the birth, because after that period there are other types of care, such as breastfeeding. Therefore, the Law defines that puerperal women have the right to two intervals of 15 minutes each to breastfeed. According to the legislation, mothers must enjoy this possibility during the first six months after childbirth.
She doesn't have to be afraid to ask her boss for permission to go out in case of doctor appointments during her pregnancy. This is because the Law guarantees that pregnant women have the right to up to six medical consultations during office hours during pregnancy. This ensures that these women are able to carry out all prenatal care fully.
Many women are afraid of getting pregnant in order not to lose their jobs, but there is a law that guarantees a minimum period of stability for pregnant women. Therefore, the company cannot dismiss a puerperal woman for at least 5 months. But be careful, because this period includes the 120 days of maternity leave. Thus, there is little more than a month left after the end of this interval.
According to the law, all companies with more than 30 employees who are over 16 years old must have a space reserved for children. If this is not possible, it is advisable that the company provide an amount for enrollment in a day care center. Remembering that this guarantee assists all women with children of up to six months.