A boy named Bryce McFeeters, just 11 years old, from St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada is very fond of things like: Coke and Santa according to his mother.
During the past week, the vacation truck from Coke would pass through the door of McFeeters' house, this would be the perfect opportunity for the boy, who is autistic and non-verbal, to enjoy the moment with one of his favorite things in the world.
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All the following story started through a post made on the social network Facebook. Understand a little better about the story of Bryce McFeeters and Coca-Cola:
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Bryce's mother, Karrie McFeeters, recalled that there is a difficulty in buying Bryce Christmas presents, "it's really hard to buy presents for christmas so my friend tagged me in a post of some free posters from Coke. He is very visual and would love to see Coca-Cola on his wall.”
“É hard for us to coordinate and go somewhere and take off a photo.It's too high, é very noisy… too many people and that Ooverloads.” says Karrie McFeeters.
By the time Karrie went to request the Coke posters, they were simply gone.
At this moment appears Raemie O'Brien, also a resident of St. Thomas, sending a message to the boy's mother. The woman's husband, James O'Brien, is a sales manager for Coke Canada Bottling in London and is also a volunteer at Coke Canada Bottling. Coca-Cola Holiday Caravan Tour, where he accompanies Santa Claus in his truck passing through several cities in the Canada.
To communicate, Bryce uses a talker, a portable electronic device, and in recent days, he has asked his mother to meet Santa Claus. "He type 'Santa Claus' and yourannouncer says 'Santa Claus', thenheusshe goes around the house saying 'Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus,’ recalls Karrie. But, according to her, visiting Santa Claus at the mall is not such a simple task.
“É hard for us to coordinate and go somewhere and take off a photo.he just doesn't iffeel comfortable. He is very tall, very noisy, he has too many colors, too many people and it overwhelms you, then he nor can if amuse.”
Raemie O'Brien, the wife of the sales manager at Coca-Cola, asked her husband to record a video of Santa Claus sending a specially made message to Bryce.
"Then,fence 10 minutes later, my husband called and said: ‘Santa Claus is at thespiritChristmas this year, he he wants take the truck to St. Thomas and surprising Bryce‘”, affirms Raemie.
“II haveI volunteered with the vacation truck ride from Coca-Cola uslast two years and I see the joy it brings to the people,” revealed Jamie.“When my wife said about Bryce, it felt like the right thing to do. I knew he would to worship.”
"Heit was leftimpressedat thestart,” Karrie said of her son's reaction. “He couldn't believe it, It is so he was so excited and continuedlooking for the truck and to Santa Claus.”
"He if thought very Special perpower sit in the truck and honk,” she said Karrie.“There's no way to thank everyone who wereinvolvedin that.He feels so special. Hereally he did onepresentationat school about your visit to the Santa Claus and it was amazing, the whole thing.”
According to Karrie, now Bryce's Christmas order is a Coke.