Last Wednesday, the 4th, the announcement of the National Exam for Revalidation of Medical Diplomass Issued by a Foreign Higher Education Institution (Revalidate) was released by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP). Entries will begin on January 16th, in the amount of R$ 410.00, ending on the 20th of this month. Students will still have until the 26th to pay the ticket and confirm registration.
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It is through Revalida that physicians trained in other countries can validate the course in Brazil. Entries can be made through the Revalidation System until the 20th of January, the deadline for registrations to close. The test has been applied since 2011, assessing the skills and competences of foreign students who completed the medical course in other countries.
The application of the test will be done on March 5th in Brazil, in these cities: Brasília (DF), Curitiba (PR), Porto Alegre (RS), Campo Grande (MS), Rio Branco (AC), Recife (PE), São Paulo (SP) and Salvador (BA).
In order to participate, these are the indispensable rules:
• Be graduated in medicine and have the diploma issued by the institution of higher education abroad and have the recognition of the Ministry of Education of the country of origin;
• Be a foreigner in a legal situation in Brazil or be a native Brazilian.
Candidates who were validated in the first stage, through a theoretical test, will also need to pass the practical test. So far, the practical tests do not have a confirmed date to be carried out. Promptly, only those who pass the theoretical test will be able to pass the practical test. The five main areas of medicine will be addressed: surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, family and community medicine and pediatrics.
In theory, there will be two different notebooks: one notebook has 100 multiple-choice questions and the other notebook will have 5 discursive questions.
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