Unfortunately, the blows counterfeit banknotes are becoming more common these days. This is important to know if you're not very good with payment methods like PIX, credit or debit cards. So this money false must be identified and reported. Thinking about our security, the Central Bank of Brazil has developed methods to verify the authenticity of banknotes. See in this article how to know if the money is counterfeit.
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The production and even the transfer of counterfeit banknotes, even if unintentional, are attitudes that can lead to conviction. Therefore, giving people a basic idea of how to identify whether money is fake is very important. Check it out below!
During the banknote manufacturing process, there is a security thread that is placed on the 10, 20, 50 and 100 reais notes. It is almost visible in the middle of the bill, just hold it up to the light. Also, it has the money value and the word “real” written on it.
As the most common means of verification, watermarks are easy to identify. Just hold the note under the light and look for the big picture of the animal and the value of the note changing with dark and light tones.
Another good tip to discover the forgery of a banknote is to find the numbers hidden in it. In a well-lit environment, just hold the note close to your eyes and you'll see hidden numbers appear in designated areas of the note.
By moving the note in various ways, it is possible to see different effects of changing colors and images.
Although it may take longer to identify if they are counterfeit, you can feel certain areas of the banknotes with your own hands by the embossing of the words. An example is the words “República Federativa Do Brasil” on the front of the ballot.
However, on the 10 reais note, the relief is only felt in the numbers in the lower left corner. On the 20 reais, 50 reais, 100 reais and 200 reais banknotes, the same identification can be made by the name “Banco Central do Brasil”, written on the back of the note and in the numbers of the animal and value.
To learn more about how to identify if the banknote is fake, go to training booklet made available by the Central Bank of Brazil.