The government wants more applications for the National Examination for the Revalidation of Medical Diplomas Issued by Foreign Higher Education Institutions (Revalida), informed the Minister of Education, Rossieli Soares.
According to the minister, the objective is for other institutions, in addition to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), to apply the exam.
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“We now have the final stage of Revalida in February 2017. The result comes out in February 2019. It is a process that is taking time. We have thousands of people waiting,” he said.
Revalida recognizes the diplomas of physicians who graduated abroad and want to work in Brazil. The exam is taken both by foreigners trained in medicine outside Brazil, and by Brazilians who graduated in another country and want to practice their profession in their homeland.
Before this exam, the revalidation of the diplomas of physicians trained abroad was carried out by higher education institutions. The unification, according to the description on the exam's website, made revalidation more accessible and allowed to attend to the large flow of graduates from medical schools abroad.
Revalida's requirement was one of the points announced by President-elect Jair Bolsonaro as a requirement for Cuban professionals to participate in the Mais Médicos program.
Alleging that the elected government questions the preparation of its professionals, by demanding that they submit to the revalidation of the diploma in order to be hired, the government of Cuba decided to leave the program. The information is from Agência Brasil.