activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about a curious question. How many bones does a child have? Let's find out? For this, please read the explanatory text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
You can download this text comprehension activity in editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
Geography activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school. with questions about the environment.
You can download this geography activity in editable Word template ready to print to PDF and also the activity answered.
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth grade of elementary school, addresses subject. Hidden subject, simple subject and compound subject! Let's analyze them in the text Are anteaters, armadillos and sloths related? To do so, answer the proposed questions!
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about turtles. Do you know why they live so long? Let's find out? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
You can download this text comprehension activity in editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
math activity, proposed to students in the fifth year of elementary school, with fraction problem situations.
You can download this math activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the activity with answers.
Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about verbs in the indicative mood. What does this verbal mode express in the communicative context? Let's learn? Then, answer the proposed questions that are based on the text Nature's colors and disguises!
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
math activity, proposed to students in the third year of elementary school, with subtraction problem situations.
You can download this math activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the activity with answers.
activity of text interpretation, aimed at fifth grade students, about the cascudo fish. Much of the time, he spends grazing at the bottom of these creeks.. Shall we get to know him better? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
You can download this text comprehension activity in editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth grade of elementary school, addresses Indefinite Pronouns. How about analyzing these pronouns? To do so, answer the proposed questions based on the text Aquatic worms?!
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
activity of text interpretation, aimed at fifth-grade students, about the dreamy bunny. Let's know the story of this bunny? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
You can download this text comprehension activity in editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.