Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth grade of elementary school, explores simple subject. Let's analyze this type of subject in the text Lanternfish and bacteria? To do so, answer the proposed questions! In the sentence “The organ below the eyes of the lantern fish contains bacteria […]”, the subject is simple because it has only one nucleus. Which?
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Ever heard of luminous fish? Yes, it exists! And it is mutualism that explains this mystery! Lanternfish have an organ below their eyes that emits light.
Light is used to attract prey and so it can communicate with other fish. But it's not exactly the fish that produces it. The organ below the eye of the lantern fish contains light-producing bacteria called bioluminescent bacteria.
And bacteria don't lose out in this relationship either! After all, while providing light to the fish, they receive nutrients necessary for their survival.
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Question 1 – In “Yes, he exists!”, the simple subject is a personal pronoun, which resumes:
Question 2 – In the excerpt “Light is used to attract prey […]”, the simple subject is:
( ) agent of the action expressed by the verb.
( ) patient of the action expressed by the verb.
( ) agent and patient of the action expressed by the verb.
Question 3 – Watch:
“The organ below the eyes of the lantern fish contains bacteria […]”
The subject of this sentence is simple because it has only one nucleus. Tick this core:
( ) “organ”.
( ) "eyes".
( ) “lantern fish”.
Question 4 – In the segment “And bacteria don't lose out in this relationship either!”, the subject is simple. Identify it:
Question 5 – Underline the simple subject verb below:
“After all, while they provide light to the fish, they receive nutrients necessary for their survival.”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.