Text interpretation activity aimed at students in the first or second year of elementary school. This activity uses the text “Talking to parents” which is a short text in stick letters and the questions are simple and direct.
This interpretation is available for download as an answer, as a Word template that can be modified, or as a ready-to-print PDF.
Mathematics activity, for fourth or fifth year students, with mathematical problem situations.
These math exercises can be downloaded ready to print in PDF, in an editable Word template, or the activity answered.
Text interpretation activity proposed to students in the second or third year of elementary school, the text used is “September 7”. This activity is interdisciplinary because in addition to working on the Portuguese language and history/current events.
This activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF, as well as the activity answered.
This is a math problem activity for fourth and fifth graders.
You can download this activity in Word template, ready to print in PDF, and also the activity answered.
Mathematics activity with problem situations, proposed to fourth or fifth year students.
Download this activity in Word template, in PDF ready to print, and also the activity answered.
This is a Portuguese language activity for fourth or fifth year students. The text used in this interpretation is “It will be fuse”.
It is possible to download this interpretation in a Word template, ready to print in PDF, and also the activity answered.
This is a math activity, with problems, aimed at fourth or fifth grade students.
It is possible to download this activity in an editable Word template, in PDF ready to print, as well as the activities answered.
Percent math activity with multiple choice questions, it is aimed at fifth graders.
It is possible to download this activity in PDF ready to print, in an editable Word template, and also the activity answered.
Fourth or fifth grade science activity, with science exercises on heat.
You can download this activity in Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the activity answered.
Mathematics activity proposed to fifth grade students, percentage of alternatives questions.
You can download this ready-to-print activity as a PDF, in a Word template that can be edited, as well as the completed activity.