Text interpretation activity, aimed at students in the third or fourth year of elementary school, the text used is “The little witch Clotilda.
You can download this activity as a Word template, as a ready-to-print PDF, as well as the activity with the answers.
Math assessment for fifth graders, it contains exercises with decimals, ordinals and percentages.
You can download this assessment in Word template, ready to print in PDF and the activity answered.
Text interpretation activity, proposed to fourth or fifth year students, using the text “A pardoquinha gulosa”.
This interpretation is available for download in Word template, ready to print in PDF, and also the activity answered.
This is a Portuguese assessment aimed at fourth or fifth grade students. This test contains reading comprehension questions; common noun, proper and feminine; plural and singular and diminutives.
It is possible to download this evaluation in Word (model that can be edited) and in PDF (model ready to print), the activity answered is also available.
This is a reading comprehension activity aimed at third or fourth year students. The text used in this interpretation is “The ball and the white cake”.
Download this interpretation in a ready-to-print PDF, in an editable Word template, as well as the completed activity.
Portuguese assessment proposed to fourth or fifth year students, this test contains grammar exercises.
You can download this assessment as an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF, and the completed activity.
This is a reading comprehension activity aimed at fourth or fifth grade students. The text used in this interpretation is “Family Scenes”.
Download this interpretation in a ready-to-print PDF, in an editable Word template, as well as the completed activity.
This is a Portuguese language activity aimed at fourth or fifth grade students, they are verb conjugation activities.
You can download these activities in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF, as well as the completed activity.
Text interpretation activity aimed at students in the second or third year of elementary school. The text used in this interpretation is “Juvenal's visit”.
Download this interpretation in a ready-to-print PDF, in an editable Word template, as well as the completed activity.
Science activity proposed to fourth or fifth year students, containing exercises dealing with biodiversity.
You can download this activity in a Word template that can be edited, in PDF ready to print, and the activity answered.