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O Bolsa Familia is a social assistance program created by the Brazilian government with the aim of combating poverty and inequality in the country.
The program is aimed at low-income families, with monthly per capita income of less than one certain value established by the government, to guarantee them access to minimum food conditions, education and health.
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This benefit, exclusively, aims to improve the living situation of these families, promote social inclusion and contribute to the human development of future generations.
During this year, the well-known Brazilian social program underwent a series of changes of great impact. One of the most significant experiences is related to the bonus payments.
Brazilians are still confused about the extra Bolsa Família payments announced by the Federal Government: will they be R$50 or R$142?
It is important to clarify that the amount of BRL 142 is not an extra payment. In fact, this amount is allocated to each individual member of a beneficiary family.
It is also worth noting that this type of benefit, based on the number of people, only applies to households with at least 5 people.
(Image: publicity)
The value of R$ 50, yes, refers to a bonus that will be passed on to special groups among Bolsa Família beneficiaries.
This extra payment will be granted to families that have members between the ages of 7 and 18. The same amount will serve as an additional families with pregnant or breastfeeding women.
In addition, beneficiaries who have children up to 6 years old receive a bonus of R$ 150.
Bolsa Família was established in 2003, in the first year of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's government, as part of a set of initiatives aimed at combating poverty.
Since then, more than 13 million Brazilian citizens have managed to overcome extreme poverty, in part due to the financial aid provided by the program.
To receive the amounts, each beneficiary must meet all the stipulated conditions, otherwise payments may be suspended.
First of all, it is essential that the Single Registry (CadÚnico) data is always up to date. In addition, the program has specific rules for certain groups.
Homes with minors must ensure that they are properly vaccinated and have school attendance of at least 75%. In addition to this requirement, children up to 7 years old need to undergo nutritional monitoring.
Finally, pregnant women are required to undergo prenatal care in order to receive the amounts.
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