To be a successful educator, academic training is not enough, but consistent experience in the classroom on a daily basis. These premises form a consensus among experts in the educational field.
In addition to a good curriculum and good management, “a good teacher needs to enjoy studying”, says Daniel Barros, in his book “País mal-educado”, classifying the quality of teachers as the ‘most significant’ factor in the learning process.
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By recognizing that, in the country today, remuneration is 'far' from being a motivation for a career in teaching, Barros understands that the decision to Wanting to become a teacher in the country is 'much less discerning' than, for example, for those who aspire to be a lawyer, engineer, nurse or doctor.
“If the objective is to have quality basic education, we have not yet found the way, as there is something very wrong in the way we prepare and we select our educators”, states the writer, criticizing the fact that “degrees fail to fulfill their most basic role: teaching to teach.”
In the view of professor at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Maria da Assunção Calderano, there is “an abyss between academia and basic education, as academics often Sometimes they go straight from undergraduate to master's degree, then to doctorate and then become teacher trainers, without themselves having had relevant experience on the teaching floor. school".
Faced with the observation that “training like this tends not to offer good results”, the UFJF professor assesses that it is essential “a deep discussion about what is taught in teacher courses”, with the exception that “messing with the autonomy of universities in Brazil is a challenge that ministers have not been willing to take on. face".
“As there is no country in which students learn more than their teachers are capable of teaching”, Maria da Assunção observes that what is reaped is a low performance educational, amending that “punishing absent teachers with loss of pay has a significant impact on learning, but woe betide the manager who dares to want do it.”
The UFJF professor points out that although it is “structured around ten skills, the BNCC (National Common Curricular Base) “is structured around ten skills that dialogue with socio-emotional concepts”, by conditioning that, for education to happen, “the biggest challenge is teaching teachers to develop these skills pedagogically.”