You popular sayings are like the cooking: each place has its own, but all countries have something in common.
These expressions talk about life, love, adversity and small pleasures, and although the ingredients may vary, the flavor is often the same.
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Just as we love trying exotic foods, it's also fun to discover how our sayings are “translated” around the world. Are you ready for this trip around the world in seven sayings? So, get on board with us!
In English: “If you don’t have a horse, ride a cow”.
Literal translation: “If you don’t have a horse, ride a cow.”
Similar, right? Both express the idea of making do with what you have at hand!
In French: “C’est toujours chez le cordonnier que l’on voit les plus mauvaises chaussures”.
Literal translation: “It is always at the shoemaker's house that you see the worst shoes”.
Whether it's a skewer or a shoe, the message is the same!
In Chinese: “点石成金”.
Literal translation: “Touch the stone and turn it into gold”.
Persistence is key, no matter the language!
(Image: disclosure)
In Spanish: “Poco a poco se anda lejos”.
Literal translation: “Little by little you go a long way”.
Baby steps can take you on great journeys, right?
In German: “Wer sich in Gefahr begibt, kommt darin um”.
Literal translation: “Whoever puts himself in danger perishes in it.”
It seems like everyone agrees: it's best not to take too many risks!
In Italian: “Non c’è fume senza arrosto”.
Literal translation: “There is no smoke without roast”.
I mean, there's always something going on behind the smokescreen, right?
In Russian: “Терпение и труд все перетрут”.
Literal translation: “Patience and hard work overcome all.”
And this is how life teaches us: hope and effort take us far!
Isn't it fascinating how, no matter how much scenarios change, the lessons that life teaches us are universal?
And do you know any other popular saying that changes form into another? language? For now, here's a tip: when life gives you lemons, discover how the whole world makes their lemonade!