Almost three packed Maracanãs outside the school. This is the number of Brazilian children (180 thousand) excluded from the constitutional right to access Education, as they do not have access to pre-school.
For the educational policy analyst at Todos Pela Educação, Daniela Mendes, such an alarming number attests that there is “a disconnect between supply and demand. There is a lack of places and a lack of transport for children to get to school. But there is also a large number of children who are out of school simply because their parents do not want to enroll them.”
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By establishing the Basic Education Guidelines Law (LDB), Law No. 9394/96 makes it very clear that basic education, which includes the pre-school stage, is mandatory. The fifth article of the standard, right at the beginning, states that “access to compulsory basic education is a subjective right”, in addition to to complete, stating that “any citizen, group of citizens or Public Prosecutor's Office can call the public authorities to demand it.”
As reinforcement, the Legal Framework for Early Childhood, established by Law 13,257, of 2016, in its article 5th, reinforces that early childhood education is a priority area for public policies in the first infancy.
Faced with such an irrefutable legal framework, Daniela comments that the lack of knowledge about the importance of this stage school is at the root of the fact that many parents consent to leaving their children, aged four and five, within House. “There is still a myth that children aged one to six are too young to learn. Many parents do not understand that children are learning from the moment they have contact with the world. School is very important for the social bonds that the child will create with the world”, adds the analyst at Todos pela Educação.
The study entitled “The relationship between education pre-primary, wages, schooling and school proficiency in Brazil”, developed at the Teaching and Research Institute of the University of São Paulo (USP). According to the research, students who had access to preschool showed higher academic performance in the 4th and 8th grades of elementary school and in the 3rd grade of high school. Another study reveals that preschool favors an increase of one and a half years of schooling and a 16% increase in income.