After several demonstrations about the case, scientists unravel mysteries involving “mermaid mummy” 300 years old. The creature would have been captured during the 1700s and reveals mysterious characteristics that resemble a combination of a fish and a monkey.
One creature highly commented mythological throughout history, mermaids are identified as beautiful women who are part fish. In this way, they present the upper part of a human being and the lower part of the body similar to the tail of a fish.
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According to reports, the “mermaid mummy” was found on the coast of Kochi Prefecture, Japan, between 1736 and 1741. However, instead of having its resemblance to tales and stories, the creature is actually quite scary.
(Image: Reproduction)
The mummy was left for visitation at an Enjuin temple in Asakuchi, where it was venerated by monks and the local population. According to locals, she was even sought out for support during the Covid-19 pandemic.
However, after several comments about the “mermaid mummy” being in fact a mixture of monkey stitched with half a fish, she proceeded for analysis.
Based on a study by a team from the Kurashiki University of Science and Arts, the specimen was transferred and is now undergoing several tests so that its origin can finally be revealed.
In addition, tomographic tests and DNA collection will be carried out to identify the origin behind the appearance of the creature. This way, it will be possible to check whether the mermaid is it human creation or really something out of the ordinary found at the site.
With all the repercussion surrounding the subject, several people began to pay attention to find out more about the origin of the “mermaid mummy”. However, to date, tests and analyzes are not yet available to be released to the general public.
The results of the tests should be released later this year, however, Hiroshi Kinoshita, from the Okayama Folklore Society, said he had already come across another mermaid. However, through analyzes carried out on the creature, it was identified as a monkey sewn to the body of a salmon.
In fact, other sightings like the “mermaid mummy” are common in Japan. However, they all end up leading to the conclusion that the chimera created is nothing more than a work done by human hands.