activity text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about Antonia. Shall we read the text that introduces us to this book? Then, answer the various questions proposed!
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The day had barely begun and there she was, Antonia, shaking branches with her loud throat and inviting her flock to jump from their nests: “Wake up, little birds. Come sing and whistle.”
It was like that every morning. Animated Antonia here, and the grumpy bunch there. "Stop this! We want to sleep!” No one could stand the singing, but she didn't even care about the ugly faces.
However, one day she got tired and decided to leave the forest. This was how another relationship between the friends was born. The longing hit from both sides. And Antonia came up with a brilliant plan to make sure that, in fact, nothing bothered her, as her destiny was to, in some way, always be around.
Author: Anke de Vries
Illustrator: Piet Grobler
Translation: Camila Werner
Available in:. (With adaptation).
Question 1 – Who wrote the book “Antonia”?
( ) Piet Grobler.
( ) Anke de Vries.
( ) Camila Werner.
Question 2 – Read back:
“The day had barely begun and there she was, Antonia, shaking branches with her loud throat and inviting her flock to jump from their nests […]”
This excerpt is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 3 – In the passage “Antonia excited from here, It is the grumpy bunch there.”, the underlined term indicates:
( ) sum.
( ) contrast.
( ) alternation.
Question 4 – Underline below the word used by the protagonist of the story, Antonia:
“No one could handle the singing, but she didn’t even care about the ugly faces.”
Question 5 – In “However, one day she got tired and decided to leave the forest.”, the text reveals:
( ) the beginning of the story.
( ) the climax of the story.
( ) the outcome of the story.
Question 6 – In the segment “It was like this that another relationship was born between friends.”, the highlighted word indicates a circumstance of:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 7 – In the phrase “The longing hit both sides.”, which two sides does the text refer to?
Question 8 – In the part “And Antonia came up with a brilliant plan […]”, the verb is an example:
( ) of informal language.
( ) of the regional language.
( ) of scientific language.
Question 9 – According to the text, Antonia wanted to “make sure that, in fact, nothing bothered her”. Why did she believe she didn't bother her friends?
Question 10 – The quotation marks indicate in the text:
( ) citations.
( ) opinions.
( ) corrections.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Literature and specialist in distance education.