To the fruits are treasures of nature and can be great allies for those who need to lose weight. However, knowing how to choose the best fruits and how to prepare them in a creative and practical way is essential.
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It is recommended that you include three servings of fruit throughout your day, so organize yourself so that they are within reach, whether at home, at school or at work.
They are perfect for those looking to lose weight, as they are low in calories and full of fibers, which keeps satiety up there.
Plus, strawberries are loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C, which do wonders for our skin and immune system. For a delicious preparation idea, how about adding them to a fresh salad with green leaves?
This fruit does not aid digestion, thanks to the presence of bromelain, a powerful enzyme. In this way, it breaks down proteins, making our digestive system more efficient.
Additionally, pineapple is refreshing and naturally sweet, making it a healthy alternative for those moments when you crave sweets. How about preparing a pineapple juice with mint to give you that refreshment on hot days?
Apples are a true ally when it comes to satiety. Rich in fiber, it can be a powerful ally in regulating appetite. Therefore, consuming an apple before meals can help control the amount of food eaten.
And it doesn't stop there, apples are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. Want a creative idea? Try cutting an apple into pieces, sprinkling with cinnamon and oats. It's a healthy dessert!
Like apples, pears are rich in fiber and can help control appetite. In other words, with a low glycemic index, they release energy gradually, avoiding those hunger spikes.
How about slicing them and serving with a little honey? A combination for a balanced snack.
And, finally, the bananas! They are a natural source of energy, thanks to its complex carbohydrates, and also brings potassium, important for muscles and heart health.
Finally, for a touch of creativity, how about a smoothie banana with natural yogurt and a pinch of cinnamon?
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