According to information collected and published by the G1 portal, a student from Acre was eliminated on the first day of the And either last Sunday (5) because his cell phone rang while he was taking the test. The detail is that the device was turned off.
Geovane do Nascimento Gomes, 20 years old, was taking the test at the Federal Institute of Acre (IFAC), on the campus of state capital, Rio Branco, when his cell phone rang inside the storage compartment provided by the organization of proof.
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Initially, Geovane was removed from the room and taken by the test inspector to investigate the situation. During the removal route, his cell phone rang again, which led to his definitive elimination.
(Image: Freepik/reproduction)
According to him, before turning off his cell phone, he activated “Airplane Mode” and “Do Not Disturb”, but forgot to deactivate the device's alarm.
“I turned everything off, but there was an alarm clock set and so it turned on by itself and ended up eliminating me. I was finishing my answer sheet and was going to start writing. It played exactly at that moment and that was it”, revealed the student.
Still according to Geovane, he was scared by the repercussions his case had after exposing the situation on social media.
“I didn’t imagine it would take the proportion it did, reaching other states. In fact, I didn't think it was bad, it's even good for making other people aware of what happened and for them to be more attentive, especially those who are going to take the second day of the Enem. Therefore, it is good to have this information to prevent it from happening to others. I noticed in the comments that this has happened to several people,” he said.
According to experts interviewed by G1, situations like the one that occurred with young Geovane originate from the different configurations presented by brands. cell phone.
Despite these notable differences, there are some general warnings to avoid situations like the one that occurred with the 20-year-old Acreian. Are they:
If your cell phone is not extremely necessary, leave it at home when you go out to take the Enem or any other similar test.
If your means of transportation is a car or motorcycle that offers space to store objects, do not take the device into the living room.
If you need to keep your device, be sure to turn off alarms and turn on Airplane and Do Not Disturb modes before turning it off and putting it away.
* With information from the G1 portal
Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of working professionally as a Web Content Writer, writing articles in several different niches and formats.