With the objective of promoting the creation of full-time enrollments, in all stages and modalities of basic education, the Ministry of Education (MEC) announced, this Wednesday (22), the release of the amount of R$ 479 million, referring to the payment of the third batch of resources from the Escola em Tempo Integral program, which covers 4,148 education departments – from states, the Federal District and counties.
In addition to clarifying that the deposit of amounts is made in a specific current account, opened at Banco do Brasil (BB) by the Fund National Education Development Board (FNDE), the MEC statement explains that it is necessary to access the FNDE website (via the link “Sistema de Release of Resources from Fund programs”), by way of confirmation of which departments should benefit from the release of resources.
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At the same time, the MEC's Basic Education Secretariat (SEB) draws attention to the fact that many education departments continue to have their data out of date, which prevents the transfer of resources. In case of doubt, this can be resolved through the official FNDE channels or by calling 0800 616161 (option 1 for FNDE matters), or by email at [email protected].
The previous payments, referring to the first and second batches, had been made in the weeks of October 11th and November 17th, respectively. The expectation is that new batches of transfers will be made by next December. Considering the first three batches, the MEC and the FNDE have already made payments in the amount of R$799 million to the Full Time School Program.
By establishing the criteria and operational procedures for distribution, transfer, execution and accountability of financial support for the Full-Time School Program, Resolution no. 18/2023 of the FNDE defines that transfers of financial resources occur on a supplementary basis, without requiring the signing of an agreement, agreement, contract or similar instrument, by depositing it into the account opened by the FNDE at Banco do Brazil.
The resources received in each transfer must be executed according to the economic category (expenditure current or capital) and with the group of nature of expenditure provided for in the agreement, in accordance with the MEC Ordinance n. 1,495/2023 and with article 70 of Law no. 9.394/1996.
The amount must be kept in a current account and operated exclusively electronically, as long as the account is duly identified. ownership of the current accounts of suppliers or service providers who are beneficiaries of payments made by the department in question, in accordance with the Decree no. 7.507/2011.
* With information from the website www.gov.br/mec.