activity text interpretation, aimed at fifth-year elementary school students, about the largest titanosaur tooth in the world. He was found in Minas Gerais! Shall we know more about this discovery? So, read the text carefully! Then, answer the various questions proposed!
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Paleontologist explains that the discovery is important to understand what these animals fed on and the vegetation of the time
The largest titanosaur tooth in the world was found in Peirópolis, district of Uberaba, in Minas Gerais. The discovery was made by researchers from the Dinosaur Museum at the Federal Faculty of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM), next to the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP) from USP.
In addition to this tooth, two other dinosaur dental fossils were found in the Serra da Galga region, a site of constant excavations. All the teeth are from Uberabatitan, the largest Brazilian dinosaur ever found and belonging to the titanosaur family.
The Uberabatitan roamed Peirópolis 65 million years ago, and the characteristic of this group of dinosaurs is that they were herbivores, with long necks, long tails, with an estimated body length of less than 25 meters.
Julian Silva Junior, PhD from the FFCLRP Paleontology Laboratory, was the author of the article that provided the proof. He tells Reportagem about the discovery in Peirópolis, one of the most important paleontological sites in Brazil. “We even found teeth from puppies and teeth from adults. And between those teeth, we found this big one,” he says.
The largest titanosaur tooth found in the world measures 6.2 centimeters long. Until then, the largest had been recorded, in 2013 in Argentina, at 5.6 cm. Julian highlights the importance of discovering the tooth. “Through the grooves in the teeth, you can tell what these animals fed on, softer plants, and what the vegetation was like at the time,” he highlights.
He explains that the teeth were found 10 years ago in the region, but they were only able to confirm it now, due to extensive research around the world. “There is time to prepare the material, identify it, until the article comes out,” he says.
Because he only found the tooth and not the skull together, the paleontologist says it is not possible to say with certainty that it is from Uberabatitan, but Julian confidently believes that the tooth comes from titanosaurs, because “to date, only fossils of this species have been found in the region”, explains.
Wellington Barbosa.
Available in:. Accessed on: October 6th. 2023. (With cut).
Question 1 – The text above is of the genre:
Question 2 – In the passage “The discovery was made by researchers […]”, what discovery does the text refer to?
Question 3 – The segment “[…] long necks, long tails, with an estimated body length of less than 25 meters.” It is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 4 – Underline the part with an explanatory function below:
“He tells Reportagem about the discovery in Peirópolis, one of the most important paleontological sites in Brazil.”
Question 5 – Why, according to paleontologist Julian, is the discovery important?
Question 6 – In “He explains that the teeth were found 10 years ago in the region, but only now have they been able to confirm, due to dense research around the world.”, the underlined excerpt:
( ) indicates a condition.
( ) expresses a cause.
( ) reveals a consequence.
Question 7 – According to the paleontologist, the tooth found is definitely from titanosaurs. Identify the fact that leads you to make this statement:
Question 8 – What is the purpose of the quotation marks used in certain passages of the text?
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Literature and specialist in distance education.