In the second year the children already understand a little and Pedagogical Activities thought of everything so that you could be a teacher. apply Activities proclamation of the republic 2nd year of elementary school for students, without complications and pain of head. There are several suggestions for activities or exercises to apply to students during the week of the proclamation of the republic. There are several exercises for all tastes, from painting or coloring to form the word.
Did you know?
The first to give the Republic's cry was the sergeant-major and councilor of Olinda Bernardo Vieira de Melo. The military launched the proposal on November 10, 1710 because he was dissatisfied with the abusive exploitation of the country by the Portuguese monarchs. The request was rejected.
Proclamation activities of the 2nd year republic
2nd year republic proclamation activity
2nd year republic proclamation activity
2nd year republic proclamation activity
2nd year republic proclamation activity
2nd year republic proclamation activity
2nd year republic proclamation activity
2nd year republic proclamation activity
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