Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, explores the pronouns. These are those words that accompany and replace nouns, expressing certain ideas or establishing relationships of meaning. Thus, the pronouns are classified in different ways... Personal, indefinite, demonstrative, relative, possessive... Let's analyze them in the very curious text How many hours a day does the sloth sleep? To do this, answer the various questions proposed below!
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Occurring restricted to the American continent, the sloth can live up to 40 years and sleep up to 14 hours a day. Its slowness can be seen in all its movements, even the act of stretching the limbs is done without any hurry. The long claws are used only to get food and to help locomotion through the treetops.
Because it has between 8 and 9 cervical vertebrae, the sloth can rotate its head at an angle of up to 270º without moving the rest of its body. Another curiosity is that these animals do not drink water, they hydrate themselves with water absorbed from food and dew from vegetation.
The sloth has peculiar characteristics, such as the color of the fur, which varies between gray and brown, with spots that also vary in tone. May have dark spots around the eyes, have long nails and a pious look.
The main weapon against predation is camouflage. Due to its main characteristic, the slowness, sloth ends up being easy prey for its biggest predator: man.
In the Zoobotanical Park of the Goeldi Museum, and Belém (PA), there are about 30 common sloths (Bradypus variegatus) and two examples of sloths (Choloepus didactylu). Royal sloths are kept in captivity, while common sloths are free in the park. It's easy to see them hanging from trees feeding on leaves, fruits and sprouts.
The common sloth belongs to the Bradypodidae family and has three toes on each paw. On the other hand, those of the Megalonychidae family (group to which the royal sloths belong) have only two fingers.
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Question 1 - Highlight the pronoun in the title of the text:
"How many hours a day does the sloth sleep?"
Question 2 - In the sentence "Your slowness can be seen in everyone [...]", the pronoun "Your" expresses:
the possession
b) mode
c) place
d) time
Question 3 - In the passage “Another curiosity, is that these animals do not drink water […]”, the demonstrative pronoun “these” performs the function of:
a) characterize
b) advertise
c) resume
d) complement
Question 4 – In “[…] they hydrate themselves with the absorbed water […]”, the personal pronoun “if” indicates:
a) the active voice of the subject.
b) the subject's analytical passive voice.
c) the subject's pronominal passive voice.
d) the reflective voice of the subject.
Question 5 - In the fragment “[…] with spots that also vary in hue.”, the “what” is:
a) a conjunction
b) an adverb
c) a pronoun
d) a noun
Question 6 – In the segment “It's easy to see them hanging on trees […]”, the oblique personal pronoun “them” refers to:
a) to the royal sloths.
b) to common sloths.
c) to the leaves.
d) to sloths.
Question 7 – In the context above, "las" works syntactically as:
a) subject
b) direct object
c) indirect object
d) adnominal deputy
Question 8 – In the prayer “[…] and has three fingers in each pata.”, the highlighted pronoun is:
a) undefined
b) staff
c) relative
d) statement
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.