Portuguese activity, aimed at secondary school students, about the subordinate conjunctions. Let's analyze the meaning effects generated by them in the reflective text What is happiness? So, get to work!
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In your opinion, what is happiness? What makes you happy? Research shows that happiness is found in the little things in life, often lost in the daily routine. We live so crazy chasing “things” that we barely have time to enjoy what we already have. Many focus on what they don't have yet and, therefore, miss the opportunity to enjoy simple and wonderful things like life itself. […] The vast majority are lost in daydreams of what the future will be like and forget that everything is happening here, now. John Lennon said, "Life is what's happening while we're thinking about the future." Every time you want to complain about something, think about the wonders you can enjoy today! Don't look for happiness in the things you don't already have. Being happy is knowing how to enjoy what you have, however, this does not mean that you should abandon your goals, means you need to learn to take advantage of what you have, while not achieving what want. […]
Know that happiness is an emotional state, and an emotional state changes all the time, you can wake up happy, but in the course of your day, something happens that makes you change. What to do at this time? Change your focus. Observe how you interpret the things that happen to you, notice how you react to each one of them, the type of reaction you have to what happens to you will determine how your emotion will be. If a woman receives flowers from a stranger, but she is allergic to flowers, she may be irritated by the guy who "dared" to send her flowers. She cannot change that fact, but she can change the kind of reaction she will have to the facts. You will never be happy if you keep expecting people to act the way you want them to! Happiness is already within you just accept it and live happily!
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Question 1 - Read the sentences carefully. Then mark the one in which the highlighted conjunction is subordinate:
a) "Life is what is happening While we are thinking about the future”.
b) “Being happy is knowing how to enjoy what you have, Yet, that doesn't mean […]"
c) “[…] you can wake up happy, but in the course of your day […]"
d) “Happiness is already within you, just accept it and Live happy!"
Question 2 - The subordinate conjunction, identified above, marks the idea of:
a) addition
b) opposition
c) time
d) purpose
Question 3 - The "what" is a consecutive subordinate conjunction in the sentence:
a) "In your opinion, what is happiness?"
b) “We live so mad running after “things”, that we barely have time […]”
c) “[…] and forget that everything is happening here, now […]”
d) “Observe how you interpret the things that happen to you […]”
Question 4 – Point out the alternative whose underlined expression works as a temporal subordinate conjunction is:
a) “[…] often lost in the routine of day by day.”
B) "Every time that you want to complain about something […]"
c) “[…] think about the wonders you can enjoy today!”
d) “[…] an emotional state changes all the time […]”
Question 5 - The term "how" is a subordinate conjunction that indicates the notion of conformity in the passage:
a) “[…] they miss the opportunity to enjoy simple and wonderful things like life itself.”
b) “The vast majority are lost in daydreams of what the future will be like […]”
c) “[…] will determine how your emotion will be.”
d) “[…] expecting people to act the way you want!”
Question 6 – In the excerpt “If a woman receives flowers from a stranger, but she is allergic to flowers […]”, the subordinate conjunction “if” introduces:
a) a hypothesis
b) a comparison
c) a conclusion
d) a concession
Question 7 – It can be concluded that a conjunction is subordinate when:
( ) links two clauses in which one has the meaning complemented by the other.
( ) combines two clauses in which one does not have the meaning complemented by the other.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
The answers are in the link above the header.