Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the nouns. Let's analyze the terms that name beings in the text Jeriva? So, answer the questions proposed below!
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Native to the Atlantic Forest of the Southeast and especially popular in the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, this palm attracts many parrots, parakeets and parrots. The coconuts that she provides in abundance keep a small chestnut inside that serves as food for birds. Widely used in ornamental gardens, the tree can reach 15 meters in height. In addition to birds, its fruits also attract other animals such as foxes, wild dogs and squirrels.
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Question 1 - According to the text, the noun "Jerivá" names:
( ) one place.
( ) an animal.
( ) a plant.
Question 2 - The adjective "small" characterizes the noun:
( ) "Palm tree".
( ) "brunette".
( ) "tree".
Question 3 - The collective of "birds" is:
( ) "gang".
( ) "Wolf Pack".
( ) "flock".
Question 4 – Underline the nouns in this excerpt:
“[…] its fruits also attract other animals […]”
Underlined nouns have in common:
( ) the gender.
( ) the number.
( ) gender and number.
Question 5 - Check the compound noun:
( ) “foxes”.
( ) “wild dogs”.
( ) "squirrels".
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.