Geography activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, with questions developed about geology.
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Read the text below and answer the questions.
Some geologists (or are they still many?) frown when someone refers to a mineral or rock as stone. To their technical ears, stone sounds like an understandable demonstration of ignorance, but it still scratches their eardrums. Each professional sector has its specific language and the correct use of specialized and important terminology, especially when it comes to the so-called exact sciences. But, honestly and tolerantly analyzing, this aversion to the word stone is unfounded.
WHITE, Pércio de Moraes. Mineral, rock or stone? Geological Survey of Brazil. Available in: infoid=1047&rsid=129.
1) For a layman, it is difficult to distinguish between a mineral and a rock, however there are some differences between them. According to the text, what are the characteristics of minerals and rocks?
2) The term “stone” for geoscientists is commonly applied only in what expression? Give examples.
3) What are monomineralic rocks? Give examples.
Read the excerpt below, about the soils of the Amazon and then answer the questions.
"As a consequence of the high degree of weathering and the poverty of the source material, these soils they are, in general, very acidic, poor in available nutrients and have a high aluminum content. […]. As in most highly weathered soils, organic matter plays a fundamental role in the process of plant nutrition and nutrient cycling.”
SILVA, Suzy Cristina Pedroza et al. Territorial plan for sustainable rural development: Madeira-AM territory. P.9-10.
4) Define weathering.
5) Why does organic matter play a fundamental role in the action of weathering in Amazonian soils?
Per Camila Farias.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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