Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, aims to study the subject predicative, through the text tree magic.
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I already told you that trees make fruit out of nothing and that is pure magic. Now think about how the trees are big and strong, old and generous and only ask for a little bit of light, water, air and earth in return. It's so much for so little! Almost all of the tree's magic comes from the root. Underground, all the trees unite. It's like they're holding hands. You can learn a lot about patience by studying the roots. They slowly penetrate the soil, overcoming the resistance of even the hardest soils. Little by little they grow until they find water. They never make mistakes in the direction. I once asked an old pine tree to explain to me why roots are never wrong when look for water and he told me that the other trees that have already found water help those that are still searching. "What if the tree is planted alone in a meadow?" — Trees communicate with each other, no matter how far away. In fact, no tree is alone. Nobody is alone. Never. Remember this.
Machine. “Magic of trees”. São Paulo: FTD, 1992.
Question 1 - Highlight the subject's predicative in the following sentence:
“[…] the trees are big and strong, old and generous […]”
Question 2 - The verb that makes up the sentence above is classified as:
Question 3 - The highlighted term plays the role of predicative of the subject in:
a) "They go into the ground slowly […]”
b) “[…] overcoming the resistance of even the most hard.”
c) “I asked once to a old pine tree to explain to me why the roots […]"
d) "No one is by myself.”
Question 4 – The predicative, identified in the previous question, indicates:
a) a characteristic of the subject.
b) a state of the subject.
c) a way of being of the subject.
d) an action of the subject.
Question 5 - “How beautiful are these trees”! Find the predicative of the subject used in the construction of this sentence:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.