Portuguese activity, recommended to eighth grade students, on the definite article. It is that word that gives a certain meaning to beings! Are we going to analyze it in the text that tells us the origin of jazz? So, answer the questions proposed below!
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Jazz emerged between 1890 and 1910, in the city of New Orleans, in one of the poorest regions of the United States. The main influences were black work songs, which became popular around the 1840s. At that time, the city was marked by a mixture of black and white cultures and between classical and popular music – it was this mixture that made jazz emerge!
Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 - In “How did jazz come about?”, the article “o”:
( ) gives an indefinite meaning to jazz.
( ) gives a generic sense to jazz.
( ) gives a certain meaning to jazz.
Question 2 - In the passage “At that time, the city was marked by a mixture […]”, a term plays the role of a definite article. Point it out:
( ) "At that"
( ) "The"
( ) "one"
Question 3 - The article, pointed out in the previous question, defines the meaning:
( ) of a verb
( ) of an adjective
( ) of a noun
Question 4 – Highlight the defined articles that make up this part of the text:
“[…] between black and white cultures and between classical and popular music […]”
Question 5 - The defined articles, highlighted above, indicate:
( ) the same gender and the same number of nouns.
( ) the same genus and the different number of the referring nouns.
( ) the different gender and the same number of referring nouns.
Question 6 – In the sentence “[…] in the city of New Orleans […]”, the highlighted word is the contraction:
( ) of the preposition “of” with the definite article “a”.
( ) of the preposition “by” with the definite article “a”.
( ) of the preposition “in” with the definite article “a”.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.