Text interpretation activity, aimed at third grade students in elementary school, with questions developed about the text: Ivo vai fish.
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The monkey Ivo loves fishing, even if he doesn't catch any fish. That's good, because he doesn't catch fish very often. He has a small rowing boat that leaves at the port of Isla dos Fireflies.
“It's a great day to go fishing.” He laughs to himself as he heads for the boat. – You better wear a hat. The sun is strong and hot.
Ivo quickly paddles into deeper water. He starts fishing, enjoying the fresh air and sparkling water.
Suddenly, he feels a sharp tug on his fishing rod.
- A fish! A fish! - he screams.
– Must be a big one! - he screams.
– Must be a big one! – Ivo says a moment later. – It's almost pulling me into the water!
He brings the fish closer to the boat.
- Oh my! – Ivo screams. – It's gigantic!
The fishing line breaks. The fish leaves.
- Oh no! – he regrets.
He thinks a lot, draws a big black x on the boat and says:
– Tomorrow I'll catch you!
Do you think he will make it?
1) What is the title of the text?
2) What does Ivo like to do?
3) Where is Ivo's rowboat?
4) It's a great day to go fishing, what does he do?
5) Suddenly, he feels a strong tug on the fishing rod, what does he catch?
6) Why does Ivo think it must be a big fish?
7) Can Ivo catch the fish?
Per Hélia Higa.
At answers are in the link above the header.