Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, proposes the study of prepositional phrases. The questions are based on the text that presents, in the light of popular wisdom, the origin of the name of the city in Minas Gerais “Milho Verde”.
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Currently, there are two versions of the story of Milho Verde. One of them tells about the passage of Bandeirantes in the region. After a long walk, some of them, hungry, stopped at the house of a local inhabitant. This inhabitant, Mr. Modesto, offered them shelter and the only thing he had for food: green corn. In another version, they say that, around 1711, a Portuguese native of the Province of the Ninho appeared in the region. His name, Rodrigues Milho Verde. This Portuguese came in search of gold and diamonds, which are abundant in the nearby regions. Through him, several people came with the same objective, thus forming the village.
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Question 1 - There is a prepositional phrase in:
a) "Currently, there are two versions of the story of Milho Verde."
b) "One of them tells about the passage of bandeirantes in the region."
c) “[…] Modesto, he offered them shelter and the only thing he had as food […]”
d) "This Portuguese came looking for gold and diamonds, abundant in the surrounding regions."
Question 2 - Identify the prepositional phrase that makes up the sentence marked above:
Question 3 - In the passage “In another version, they say that it appeared in the region, around 1711, a Portuguese native of the Province of Ninho.”, the prepositional phrase underlined indicates the idea of:
b) time
c) cause
d) origin
Question 4 – “Through him, several people came with the same objective, thus forming the village.”. Point out the prepositional phrase used in this period of the text:
Question 5 - Underline the prepositional phrases used in the following sentences:
a) According to the text, there are two versions that justify the name of the village.
b) The pioneers stopped at the house of a local inhabitant, due to their hunger.
c) The text tells us about the origin of the name Milho Verde.
d) The Portuguese came to the region in order to find gold and diamonds.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.