Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the infinitive verbs. How about analyzing verbs in this noun form? To do so, answer the questions about the text World Car Free Day!
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World Car Free Day, September 22, was chosen to draw people's attention to the need to combat pollution and also to the problems of urban mobility.
If, on the one hand, having a car can make it easier for people to get around, on the other, it generates more pollutants for the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide (CO2), one of those released by cars, is considered by many scientists to be a of the main responsible for the intensification of the greenhouse effect and the worsening of warming global.
Furthermore, it is a day for us to choose alternative means of transportation or share our car. Cycling or walking, when possible, is good for your health, for the environment and also reduces traffic jams.
We will try?
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Question 1 - In “[…] having a car can to leave […]", the verb in the infinitive underlined:
( ) forms a phrase with the verb “may”.
( ) has the same subject as the verb “may”.
( ) does not have the same subject as the verb “may”.
Question 2 - Underline the infinitive verbs in this excerpt:
“[…] is a day for us to choose alternative means of transportation or share […]”
Question 3 - The underlined infinitives above are:
( ) impersonal.
( ) inflected personnel.
( ) uninflected personnel.
Question 4 – The expression “by bicycle” modifies the meaning of the infinitive “Walking”, expressing:
( ) place.
( ) quite.
( ) time.
Question 5 - At the end of the text, the author uses an infinitive verb to:
( ) make an invitation.
( ) give a warning.
( ) express a plea.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.