Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the direct transitive verbs. When do they rank that way? Let's learn? To do so, answer the questions that refer to the text on the Museum of Arts and Crafts!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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The Museum of Arts and Crafts – MAO is a cultural space that houses and disseminates a representative collection of the universe of work, arts and crafts in Brazil.
Created from the donation to public patrimony of more than two thousand pieces among objects, instruments and work utensils of the period Brazilian pre-industrial, the Museum reveals the wealth of popular production, the doings, crafts and arts that gave rise to some of the professions contemporary.
Open to the public since January 2006, the MAO is installed at the Central Railway Station of Belo Horizonte, next to the Central Metro Station, where thousands of people pass through daily.
Available in:. (With cut).
Question 1 - In the excerpt “[…] a cultural space that houses and disseminates a representative collection of the world of work […]”, the verbs are direct transitive because:
( ) do not require a supplement.
( ) require complement with preposition.
( ) require complement without preposition.
Question 2 - Identify the verb that could take the place of the direct transitive verb "diffuses" in the excerpt above:
( ) values.
( ) propagates.
( ) develops.
Question 3 - Underline the direct transitive verb in this text segment:
“[…] the Museum reveals the wealth of popular production, doings, crafts and the arts […]”
Question 4 – In the segment above, the direct transitive verb expresses:
( ) an action.
( ) a state.
( ) a feature.
Question 5 - The direct transitive verbs, analyzed above, are in the mode:
( ) indicative.
( ) subjunctive.
( ) imperative.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.