This Portuguese Activity, aimed at 7th grade students, proposes the study of adjectives used in the construction of the movie summary Big eyes, directed by Tim Burton.
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2015 – 107 min – Direction Tim Burton
The drama features the true story of painter Margaret Keane (Amy Adams), one of the world's most popular artists. commercially profitable 1950s, thanks to their portraits of children with big eyes and scary. An advocate of feminist causes, she had to fight her own husband in court, as fellow painter Walter Keane (Christoph Waltz) claimed to be the real author of her works.
Available in: http://www.historiadasartes.com. Accessed on: 12/06/16.
Question 1 - The purpose of the text is:
a) disclose
b) inform
c) entertain
d) instruct
Question 2 - Note that in the presentation of the film's story, different adjectives were used. Identify the referents of the following characteristics:
a) real:
b) profitable:
c) large:
d) scary:
e) feminists:
f) own:
Question 3 - "Defender of feminist causes, she had to fight her own husband in court, given that the also painter Walter Keane (Christoph Waltz) […]”. The highlighted term indicates a relationship of:
the conclusion
b) consequence
c) cause
d) opposition
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.