Interdisciplinary activity – Portuguese and Science, aimed at students in the eighth or ninth year of elementary school. This sequence has texts dealing with the theme "alcoholism in adolescence", with a proposal for the production of a dissertation-argumentative text, elaboration of a mural, research and study of the process of word formation, reading and interpretation of the song “Eu tô com ismo” by the duo Maykow and Bruno – participation by Marília Mendonça,.
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Maykow and Bruno-part. Marília Mendonça
my grandfather passed to his father
which passed to me
It all started like this
contagious/is a danger
catch everyone
who walks with me
I lost my job because of ism
A/O girlfriend/o because of ism
I'm out of the house
Everybody wanting to know what ism is
They spray-painted my car because of ism
Card burst because of ism
a damned mess
Everybody wanting to know what this is
Mom worried if I'm going to get better
But who said
that I want to heal
it's cachacism
no shame
everyone is getting this
It's beer
At carnival this will only happen
Adriana Dias Lopes and Naiara Magalhães say that alcohol initiation is increasingly precocious. The current generation of teenagers starts drinking regularly at the age of 14 – almost three years before the average shown by young people five years ago. The data are from the 1st National Survey on Patterns of Alcohol Consumption in the Brazilian Population, 2007, carried out by the National Anti-Drug Secretariat. The change is worrying because the sooner a person starts drinking, the more likely they are to have problems with alcohol: 9% of adults who took their first sips at the age of 14 later moved to the category of dependents. Among those who started drinking after the age of 21, this rate is only 1%, according to the publication Use and Abuse of Alcohol, launched by Harvard University in 2008. The girls cause the most concern. Teenagers today make up the first generation of women to match men's alcoholism rates. And this is not an exclusively Brazilian trend. “All over the world, young women are reaching out to young men when it comes to issues related to alcohol,” said American epidemiologist James Anthony, professor at the State University of Michigan. Among other reasons, they feel encouraged to compete with boys, as if drinking were also an area in which gender equity should prevail. “As if a sign of a successful woman were drinking like a man”, adds psychotherapist Celso Azevedo Augusto. Starting to drink requires persistence from teenagers, because of the strong and bitter taste of alcohol. But this obstacle was overcome by an invention that should become a case of public health: the ices. The sweet mixtures of vodka with fruit juice or soda make the crowd happy. They are the fuel for home-made parties and parties, which invariably end up in a lot of vomiting. “The ices not only introduce young people to alcohol consumption, they also help them to ingest increasingly larger doses”, says neurosurgeon Arthur Cukiert, from Hospital Brigadeiro, in São Paulo. Sold everywhere and seen by parents as “less offensive,” they can be more devastating than other drinks. “Despite having an alcohol content similar to that of beers, they are consumed as lemonade”, says psychologist Ilana Pinsky, a professor at Unifesp. A danger.
Source: Veja Magazine – 09/06/2009 edition
Every year about eight thousand people die from the use of legal and illegal drugs in Brazil. A study carried out by the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) shows that between 2006 and 2010, 40,600 deaths were accounted for by psychoactive substances. Alcohol appears in first place among the causes, accounting for 85% of these deaths.
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Illnesses caused by alcohol
It can occur in people who make constant use of alcoholic beverages and are not necessarily alcoholics. There is an accumulation of small pockets of fat in the liver tissue leading to an increase in liver volume. Blood tests can identify early liver damage. When alcohol consumption is stopped, fatty liver disappears and the liver fully recovers.
This is a serious condition where the liver has been severely damaged by the effects of alcohol. The disease is characterized by weakness, fever, weight loss, nausea, vomiting and pain over the liver area. The liver is inflamed causing the death of multiple liver cells. Unlike steatosis, alcoholic hepatitis after cured, leaves permanent scars in the liver called - fibrosis. Alcoholic hepatitis is a life-threatening disease that requires hospitalization. With proper treatment, alcoholic hepatitis improves, but the scars remain forever.
This is the final stage of alcohol damage to the liver. Cirrhosis is a form of permanent and irreversible liver damage. This fibrosis leads to an obstruction in the passage of blood through the liver, preventing the liver from performing vital functions such as purifying the blood and purging nutrients absorbed from the intestine. The end result is liver failure. Some signs of liver failure include accumulation of fluid in the abdomen – ascites (water belly), malnutrition, mental confusion (encephalopathy), and intestinal bleeding. Some of these conditions can be overcome by medications, diets and specialized procedures, but a return to normality is not possible.
After reading the texts above, answer:
1) What is the theme covered in the song “Eu to com Ismo”?
2) Do you think the character in the song has qualities that represent the routine of the young people mentioned in the texts above? Comment.
3) According to the lyrics of the song the “ism” … Check the correct alternatives:
a) ( ) is contagious
b) () is hereditary
c) () is dangerous
d) ( ) is a disease
4) What is “ism” according to the song?
I. The "ism" represents many young singles who, without conscience and limits, practice terrible actions such as: spending excessively, abusing alcoholic beverages, going out with several women in a single club without worrying about the consequences.
II. The “ism” is just a suffix created by the author of the song to make it more interesting.
III. The “ism” only represents the young singles and clubbers who enjoy the night life.
It's correct:
b) ( )II
c) ( )III
d) ( ) no alternative correctly explains what “ism” is.
5) What are the bad consequences in the life of the music character because of “ism”?
6) What is the attitude of the character in the song towards the mother's concern?
7) Do you think this attitude is correct? Comment.
8) What advice would you give the character in the song if he were your brother? Explain.
9) Have you ever suffered or suffer from “ism”? Comment.
10) According to the text, “SWEET AND DANGEROUS”, girls are almost equaling men in alcoholism rates, because they have been drinking so much in recent years?
11) According to psychologist Ilana Pinsky, which drink is seen by parents as “less offensive”, but can be more devastating than other drinks? How does it help young people to consume high alcohol?
12) In your opinion, because the Is alcohol the drug that kills the most?Explain.
13) According to the graphs, which are the people that most influence young people to consume alcoholic beverages? Explain why this happens?
14) According to Graph II, more or less than 50% of adolescents consume alcoholic beverages?
15) According to Graph III, at what age do adolescents start to consume alcohol?
16) Also according to Graph III, at what age 80% of young people consume alcohol?
17) According to Graph IV, who consumes more alcohol, men or women?
18) What are the diseases caused by the constant consumption of alcohol?
19) Which of them has a reversal effect, that is, if the use of alcohol is interrupted, it disappears from the body and no longer causes harm to health?
20) Which of these diseases, even if cured, leaves scars forever in human beings?
21) Which of these diseases constitutes the final stage of liver damage? What harmful effects does this disease have on the body?
22) Search:
1. Search for testimonies of people talking about the bad consequences caused by the abusive use of alcohol - on the family, on health and on themselves.
B. Traffic accidents caused by the excessive use of alcohol.
ç. People who stopped using alcoholic beverages: how they managed to win and what changed in their lives.
Afterwards, make a presentation to your class. Then, create an information panel with all this research and display it on the school's wall.
Write an argumentative essay on the topic studied. It must have: title, cohesion, coherence, 3 paragraphs at least (introduction, development and conclusion), it must be in accordance with current orthographic norms. Post your production on the wall after correction.
Good work!
Primitive words: they are words that serve as a basis for the formation of another and that were not formed from another root of the language.
Examples: stoneThe, flower, casThe.
Derived words: they are words formed from other stems.
Examples: stonehey, flowerculture, casebre.
In Portuguese, the main processes to form new words are two: derivation and composition.
It is the formation of words from the attachment of affixes to the primitive word.
Examples: useless = prefix in + useful stem.
The derivation process can be prefixal, suffixal, parasynthetic, regressive and inappropriate.
Prefix Derivation
It is done by appending a prefix to the primitive word.
Examples: desto do, reto do.
Suffix Derivation
It is done by attaching a suffix to the primitive word.
Examples: happymind, babybone
Prefix and Suffix Derivation
It is done by appending a prefix and a suffix to the primitive word.
Example: inhappymind.
Parasynthetic Derivation
It is done by the simultaneous attachment of prefix and suffix to the primitive word.
Examples: desbeyondadored, ensadecer.
Parasynthetic derivation only happens when the two morphemes (prefix and suffix) join the stem simultaneously. Note that in the word heartless there was parasynthesis. It's easy to see, because there is no word soulless, from which it would have come heartless, in the same way there is no word soulful, from which it would also have come soulless.Therefore, prefix and suffix were appended at the same time.
Regressive Derivation
It is done by reducing the word primitive.
Examples: work (workr), crying (cryingr)
Improper Derivation
It is formed when a word changes its grammatical class without changing the primitive's form.
Examples: O unhappyMissed service today. (adjective becomes noun).
I don't accept a no as an answer. (adverb becomes noun, the article anoun the adverb).
The composition process forms words by joining two or more stems.
Examples: wardrobe, carrier pigeon.
There are two types of composition: agglutination and juxtaposition.
Composition by agglutination
It occurs when one of the radicals, when they unite, undergoes changes.
Examples:Highland (flat + high), although (in + good + hour).
Juxtaposition Composition
It occurs when radicals, when uniting, do not undergo changes.
Examples: chicken foot, hobby, hot dog, sunflower.
Other processes
Occurs when the elements that make up the word are from different languages.
Examples: car (auto=Greek, mobile=Latin), television(tele=Greek, vision=Latin).
It happens in words that symbolize the reproduction of certain sounds.
Examples: ticking, buzzing.
Reduction or Abbreviation
This process is manifested when a word is too long, as it forms new words from the reduction or abbreviation of existing words.
Examples: porn (pornographic), motorcycle(motorcycle), tire (pneumatic).
It is the creation of new words to meet the needs of speakers in specific contexts.
See the neologisms in an excerpt from the poem Amar, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade:
What can a creature otherwise,
if not among creatures, love?
love and forget,
love and malamar,
love, unloving, love?
always, and even with glazed eyes, to love?
Content extracted from the site:
1) Analyze the words below and correlate them:
(1) Composition by Juxtaposition
(2) Composition by Agglutination
a) () plateau
b) ( ) pau-de-arara
c) ( ) shuttle
d) ( ) rainbow
e) ( ) vinegar
f) ( ) master class
g) ( ) cauliflower
h) () hobby
i) ( ) leggy
j) ( ) auriverde
k) ( ) midshipman
l) ( ) mosquito
m) ( ) kick
n) ( ) fountain pen
2) Analyze the words below and correlate the derivations, as follows:
(1) Prefix
(2) Suffix
(3) Prefix and Suffix
(4) Parasynthetic
a)( ) discomfort
b) ( ) affectionate
c) ( ) harden
d) ( ) unfaithful
e) ( ) loving
f) ( ) kneel
g) ( ) stupidity
h) ( ) abstain
i) ( ) deputy
j) ( ) sadness
k) ( ) fervent
l) ( ) shelve
m) ( ) disloyalty
n) ( ) uncertain
o) ( ) inequality
3) Analyze the words below and correlate them:
(1) Hybridism
(2) onomatopoeia
(3) Abbreviation
the photo
b) ( ) motorcycle
c) ( ) tire
d) ( ) bureaucracy
e) ( ) psychomotor
f) ( ) sociology
g) ( ) tap - tap
h) ( ) trim-trim
i) ( ) Tic-tac
4) In the song “I'm with ism” we have words formed by the process called neologism. What are these words?
5) Are they formed by appending a prefix or suffix?
6) Create 4 neologisms with the words love, war, affection and friendship.
7) Find 5 words that have “ism” in their background.
8) Create two sentences for each word in exercise 7.
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva – Graduated in Letters
At answers are in the link above the header.