Portuguese activity, aimed at first-year high school students, aims to study the compound period. The proposed questions are based on a text that tells us about the disappearance of dinosaurs.
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Dinosaurs have lived on Earth for 160 million years. And how did they completely disappear? Scientists explain that 65 million years ago, a meteor of approximately 10 kilometers fell on the planet. The impact would have been so violent that it opened a crater 200 kilometers long. A sort of thick dust cloud blocked the sunlight for six months. The Earth cooled, plants couldn't do photosynthesis, and animals didn't have anything to eat. Result: all dinosaurs died.
“Brasil Almanaque de Cultura Popular”, no. 121, 2009, p. 26.
Question 1 - There is a compound period in:
a) "And how did they disappear?"
b) “Dinosaurs lived on Earth for 160 million years.”
c) "The impact would have been so violent that it opened a 200 kilometer crater."
d) "A kind of thick dust cloud blocked the sunlight for six months."
Question 2 - "Scientists explain that 65 million years ago, a meteor of approximately 10 kilometers fell on the planet."
a) How many sentences make up the compound period above?
b) Explain how the identification of prayers is done:
Question 3 - Point out the verbal phrase present in the compound period transcribed above:
Question 4 - "The Earth cooled down, plants couldn't do photosynthesis, and animals didn't have anything to eat." The prayers that make up this compound period are classified as:
a) additive coordinated prayers
b) adversative coordinated prayers
c) concluding coordinated prayers
d) explanatory coordinated sentences
Question 5 - Identify the conjunction that unites the above prayers and the idea expressed by it:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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