Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the sixth and seventh years of elementary school, aiming at learning spelling, with regard to the use of the letters "G" and "J". It is content that commonly raises doubts.
You can download this Portuguese language activity in print-ready PDF, in Word that can be edited and also the activity answered.
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Question 1 - Read this text:
wild animals
There is a great diversity of wild (or wild) animals all over the world, and all are of great importance for the balance of nature. Many are taken from their natural habitat and placed in captivity, being harmed, and harming natural ecosystems. The main cause is the illegal trade that increases every day, and along with it, the extinction of several species.
Every animal has a fundamental role and a unique beauty. Therefore, it is essential to raise awareness in society, which buys because they think it is “beautiful”, and because they think it is an act of “good deed” with nature taking care of one of them. On the contrary, the animal lives without freedom, and cannot act according to its instincts. We cannot impede the natural way animals live, nor accept that they are smuggled, mistreated, and die. […].
Available in: .
Now identify errors (purposely placed by the author of this activity) regarding spelling. Then rewrite the words appropriately:
Question 2 - Complete with the letter "g" or the letter "j":
tra___etoria cere___a ferru___in via___ei
ti___she lo___ista wardrobe watch___io
ma___esta can___ica peda___io ___iló
an___elical privilege___io tra____ and pa___in
___iboia cora___in canoe ___in cirur___ia
va___in vare____ista to___is re___eitar
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.