Portuguese activity, aimed at seventh-year students, aims to study the participle. Can you identify a verb in the form of a participle? No? So, answer the proposed questions about the text that tells us trivia about the Lego.
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It is a toy of snaps and actions. They are small plastic pieces that fit together perfectly forming other toys. With six pieces you can form 102,981,500 different combinations! This toy was invented in Denmark in 1949 by a carpenter named Ali Kirk Christiansen, and in the beginning it was just building bricks. Today, Lego toys come in a wide variety of types and shapes and even introduce motors and lights. There are the Lego parks, made entirely of leguinhos.
“Almanac Ruth Rocha”. São Paulo: Attica, 2004.
Question 1 - The participle "assembled" has as reference:
a) "little bricks"
b) "the Lego toys"
c) "engines and lights"
d) "the Lego parks"
Question 2 - Rewrite the passage “[…] by a cabinetmaker which was called Ali Kirk Christiansen […]”, replacing the underlined part with the equivalent participle:
Question 3 - Identify the sentence whose highlighted verb is in the form of a participle:
The) "É a toy of snaps and actions."
b) “[…] that fit perfectly graduating other toys."
c) “With six pieces you can to form 981,500 different combinations!”
d) "This toy was created in Denmark in 1949 […]”
Question 4 – Check the participle that correctly completes this sentence:
He had ________________ the Lego toys for kids.
( ) "bring"
( ) "brought"
( ) "brought" or "brought"
Question 5 - Present the participles of these verbs:
a) "fit":
b) "introduce":
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.