Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the film “Lost Link”. It is the story of Sir Lionel Frost, an explorer who needs to prove the existence of the mythological creatures he encounters, something that never succeeds… How the protagonist will try to prove the existence of mythological beings and, with that, be part of the club of explorers? Will we know more about this recently released movie? So, carefully read the text “Lost Link: Prejudice debate animation”! Afterwards, answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Stunning backdrops, ranging from forests to ice castles, are the backdrop for the latest animation from the American studio Laika, Lost Link. The feature premieres on November 7th and mixes comedy and adventure with themes relevant to today's world, such as the prejudice against the different, and women's freedom - although the second is treated in a discreet.
The film tells the story of Sir Lionel Frost, an explorer who searches for mythological creatures (ie, that no one is sure they exist), although he can usually find them, he is never able to prove that they really exist. Because of this, he never gets accepted into an explorers club, led by Lord Piggot.
Everything changes when he receives a mysterious letter that summons him to meet one of the most famous mythological creatures of the planet: a huge species, which has the largest footprint in the world and weighs about 300 kilos (the average weight of four adults). He believes the animal is the link (or link, in English) that was missing to explain how human beings evolved over time – the animal would be a sample of the transition process between the species of today and the past.
Even without anyone's support, the adventurer doesn't give up and makes a deal with Lord Piggot: if he can prove that the link exists, Frost can join the group. However, as a conservative man who is afraid that his findings will be outdated, the leader does everything to bar new members. He's so old-fashioned that he doesn't even believe women can venture into discoveries like men can.
The adventures get even more intense when the explorer, who soon finds his target, promises to help him reunite with others of his kind if the creature (which attends by the name of Mr Link, but prefers to be called Susan) agree to give him fur or poop samples so he can finally get a taste of one of his discoveries.
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Question 1 - The text above is:
( ) A tale.
( ) a review.
( ) a report.
Question 2 - According to the text, Frost "never gets accepted into an explorers club, led by Lord Piggot," because he:
() he looks for mythological creatures of doubtful existence.
( ) can usually find mythological creatures.
() fails to prove the existence of the mythological creatures he encounters.
Question 3 - The climax of the movie “Lost Link” happens when:
( ) Frost finds the creature and makes a proposal to it.
( ) Frost makes a deal with Lord Piggot to join the group.
( ) Frost receives a mysterious card to meet a giant creature.
Question 4 – Emphasize, in the following fragment, the terms that take up the huge species:
"He believes that the animal is the link (or link, in English) that was needed to explain how human beings evolved over time – the animal would be a sample of the transition process between the species of today and the past.”
Question 5 - According to the text, the leader Lord Piggot "does everything to bar new members" in the club of explorers. Because?
Question 6 – In the part “He's so old-fashioned what nor does he believe that women can venture into discoveries like men.”, the underlined term introduces:
( ) a fact that concludes the previous one.
( ) a fact that contradicts the above.
( ) a fact that is a consequence of the above.
Question 7 – Identify the excerpt in which the author evaluates the movie “Lost Link”:
( ) “[…] mixes comedy and adventure with themes relevant to today's world […]”
( ) “Everything changes when he receives a mysterious letter […]”
( ) “[…] the leader does everything to bar new members.”
Question 8 – In the segment “[…] for what he finally gets to prove one of his discoveries.”, the prominent expression indicates:
( ) a destiny.
( ) a purpose.
( ) An alternative.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.