Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, aims to study the adverbial adjuncts. Let's understand how they work in the construction of the text Capoeira?
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The 100% Brazilian struggle was created in the 17th century by African slaves of the Bantu ethnicity. Because of its origin, it was officially banned until 1937, although it never stopped being practiced. In the 1930s, the Bahian Manuel dos Reis Machado, Mestre Bimba, took the capoeiristas off the ground, broke the swing and incorporated blows from other fights. His creation, regional capoeira, is still different from capoeira angola, more traditional and disseminated from the 1910s onwards by the Bahian Vicente Ferreira, master Pastinha. In the 20th century, capoeira became a sport, entitled to national confederation. There are even tournaments in which capoeiristas face fighters from other specialties. “In these tournaments, I've seen many come out carrying a stretcher”, says Eliane Dantas dos Anjos, author of a study on the origin of the name of the main blows.
Available at: www.mundoestranho.abril.com.br (Fragment).
Question 1 - Highlight the adverbial adjuncts that indicate the circumstance of time in:
a) “The 100% Brazilian struggle was created in the 17th century by African slaves of the Bantu ethnicity.”
b) “In the 1930s, Manuel dos Reis Machado from Bahia, Mestre Bimba took capoeiristas […]”
c) “[…] more traditional and disseminated from the 1910s onwards by the Bahian Vicente Ferreira […]”
Question 2 - Adverbial adjuncts, highlighted in the question above, change the meaning of:
( ) of a verb and verbal phrases.
( ) of an adjective and adjective phrases.
( ) of an adverb and adverbial phrases.
Question 3 - In the passage “In these tournaments, I've seen many come out loaded on a stretcher", the highlighted adverbial adverbial expresses the notion of:
( ) mode
( ) quite
( ) place
Question 4 – In the excerpt “In the 20th century, capoeira became a sport […]”, the comma signals:
( ) the displacement of an adverbial adjunct.
( ) the omission of an adverbial adjunct.
( ) the intercalation of an adverbial adjunct.
Question 5 - Adverbial adjuncts are considered:
( ) essential terms of the prayer.
( ) terms that are part of the sentence.
( ) accessory terms of the prayer.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.