Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, addresses the demonstrative pronouns. What role do they play in the communicative context? Did you know that “a’ can function as a demonstrative pronoun? How about learning? To do so, answer the various questions that explore these pronouns in the curious text Why do we sneeze?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Sometimes some dirt particles get into our nose. Some of these particles may not harm us, but others may even make us sick. So it is important that our body has a way of expelling all __________ dirt at once, and that way is the sneeze. But how does this happen? The nose of each one of us has sensors that sense the presence of these dirt. These sensors are linked with an area of the nervous system called the respiratory center. The respiratory center makes the muscles in the back and belly relax so that we can fill the lungs with air and then contract with great force. Thus, the air exits through the nose and also through the mouth very quickly, taking this dirt with it. The velocity of this air is so high that it can be greater than that of a car on a road (over 120 km per hour). Another important thing about sneezing is that it is involuntary. This means that sometimes we sneeze even without meaning to. This is because those sensors in the nose tell the respiratory center that we need to expel the dirt particles and the respiratory center acts quickly. Our brain does not participate in this control and therefore this mechanism cannot be controlled by our will.
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Question 1 - Carefully review the passages. Then, mark the one in which the highlighted pronoun is demonstrative:
The) "Some of these particles may not do us any harm […]"
b) “Another important thing about sneezing is that he it is involuntary.”
c) "This is because those ones nose sensors count […]"
d) “See how sneezing can be important for Wow health?"
question 2 – In the passage marked above, the demonstrative pronoun syntactically:
a) explains a noun.
b) determines a noun.
c) characterizes a noun.
d) complements a noun.
Question 3 - In view of the above context, the space indicated in the text must be filled with the demonstrative pronoun:
a) "these"
b) "these"
c) "those"
d) "own"
Question 4 – Note the demonstrative pronoun underlined in this period of the text:
"But how that it happens?"
It can be said that the aforementioned pronoun:
a) does not vary.
b) varies in gender.
c) varies in number.
d) varies in gender and number.
Question 5 - The "a" works as a demonstrative pronoun in the segment:
a) “[…] sensors that sense the presence of these dirt.”
b) “The velocity of this air is so high […]”
c) “[…] larger than that of a car on a road […]”
d) “[…] we need to expel the dirt particles […]”
Question 6 – In the fragment "These sensors are linked with an area of the nervous system called the respiratory center.", the demonstrative pronoun "These":
a) defines information.
b) corrects information.
c) retrieves information.
d) announces information.
Question 7 – In the sentence “Our brain does not participate in this control […]”, the word “this” is the contraction of a preposition with the demonstrative pronoun “this”. Point it out:
a) to
b) of
d) by
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.