Portuguese activity, suitable for students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the demonstrative pronouns. Are we going to analyze them, understanding the role they play in the communicative context? Then answer the questions based on the text. Why don't dinos exist anymore?
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Nobody knows for sure, but scientists have several theories that try to explain the extinction of the dinos 65 million years ago. Some feel that the volcanic eruptions, epidemics, or radiation effects of a star may have destroyed _________ animals. The most widely accepted theory is that they disappeared after an asteroid crashed to Earth. The celestial body would have crashed into the Earth, causing it to be covered by an immense cloud of dust. This would have blocked sunlight for years, clearing much of the vegetation and killing the larger animals from hunger and cold.
“Recreation Curiosities”. Fernanda Santos (Org.). São Paulo: April, 2011.
Question 1 - The highlighted pronoun is demonstrative in the excerpt:
( ) “Nobody you know for sure, but scientists have several theories […]"
( ) "[…] causing Is it over there was covered by an immense cloud of dust."
( ) “That it would have blocked sunlight for years, eliminating much of the vegetation […]”
Question 2 - In the excerpt marked above, the demonstrative pronoun:
( ) retrieves information.
( ) announces information.
( ) complements information.
Question 3 - In the passage “[…] they may have destroyed _________ animals.”, the space indicated must be filled in with the demonstrative pronoun:
( ) "these".
( ) "Those".
( ) "those ones".
Question 4 – Identify the referent of the demonstrative pronoun pointed out in the previous question:
Question 5 - Reread this period of the text:
"The most accepted theory is The that they disappeared after an asteroid crashed to Earth.”
During this period, the term underlined performs the function of:
( ) definite article.
( ) demonstrative pronoun.
( ) oblique personal pronoun.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header