Mathematics Activity, proposed to third-year elementary school students, about even numbers and odd numbers.
This math activity is available for download as an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the completed activity.
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The. What is the greatest even number less than 50?
B. What are the odd numbers between 11 and 17?
ç. What is the greatest two-digit even number?
d. What is the smallest odd number of 2 digits?
and. What are the even numbers between 34 and 42?
2.Place the result of the operation and write if it is an even or odd number.
a.68+2 =
b.4×7 =
c.41-3 =
d.30÷2 =
e.15×3 =
f.20÷2 =
g.45 +10 =
h.37 +56 =
i.78+29 =
j.48+58 =
k.5×4 =
1.6×6 =
m.7×5 =
0.10÷2 =
3.Answer: Which months of the year are represented by even numbers?
4.Observe the table and only paint the comics with even numbers.
5.Write the corresponding number for each item and indicate whether it is odd or even.
The. Numbers of wallets in your class.
B. Your house number.
ç. Number of the month we are.
d. Number for your birthday.
and. Your age number.
f. Your best friend's age number.
g. Number of students in your class.
6.Observe the drawing and answer:
The. How many pencils are there in the image above?
B. Is this number even or odd?
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva
At answers are in the link above the header.