Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the gerund verbs. How about studying verbs in this noun form? So, answer the questions based on the text that introduces us to the series Little Hat of All Colors!
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“Little Hat of all Colors” is an animated series made using the 2D Digital animation technique, in the format of 13 episodes of 7 minutes each. The series is an adaptation of the literary work “Chapeuzinho Amarelo” […] In the book written by Chico Buarque and illustrated by Ziraldo, Little Yellow Riding Hood overcomes his fears without the help of a guide, adult or entity magic; she overcomes her fears in a solitary way by maturing while playing with the formal structure of words. Following this narrative structure, the original vision of the series consists of presenting a new color of a little hat and a new rite to each episode, encouraging child empowerment so that the child can overcome their challenges, always realizing the good in each situation.
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Question 1 - Identify the passage that has a verb in the gerund:
( ) “Little hat of all colors’ is an animation series performed using the technique […]”
( ) “[…] Little Yellow Riding Hood overcomes his fears without the help of a guide […]”
( ) “Following this narrative structure, the original vision of the series […]”
Question 2 - The passage below was transcribed without the punctuation mark before the verb in the gerund. Put it on:
“[…] she overcomes her fears in a solitary way, maturing while playing […]”
Question 3 - In the prayer “[…] encouraging child empowerment […]”, the verb in the gerund:
( ) expresses an action.
( ) expresses a state.
( ) expresses a characteristic.
Question 4 – In the sentence above, the verb in the gerund required a complement without a preposition. Therefore, he is:
( ) intransitive
( ) direct transitive
( ) indirect transitive
Question 5 - In “[…] always realizing the good in each situation.”, the term “always” modifies the meaning of the verb in the gerund, indicating:
( ) place
( ) time
( ) intensity
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.